Feeling Like a Pushover? It’s Time to Unleash Your Inner Warrior (But Not How You Think)

Charles Doublet
3 min readApr 25, 2024

Forging Your Inner Warrior: It’s Not About the Fight, It’s About the Line in the Sand

Ever feel like the world’s a constant tug-of-war?

Deadlines pulling you one way, friends another, your own desires fighting for a voice?

Yeah, me too.

That’s life, warrior.

But here’s the thing: most folks get the whole “warrior” thing twisted.

They picture bulging muscles, fight nights, and that primal urge to scrap.

But the truest warriors, the ones who build empires and leave legacies, fight a different battle entirely.

They fight for their own damn space.

The Misconceptions: From Colosseum to Coffee Shop

Think about it.

The gladiator in the arena, sure, that dude’s a warrior.

  • But so is the single mom setting boundaries with her ex’s overbearing mother.
  • The artist refusing to compromise his vision for a cheap sale.
  • The young professional saying “no” to weekend work that swallows his personal life.

These everyday warriors wield a different kind of weapon: healthy boundaries.

It’s not about aggression, it’s about respect.

It’s about drawing a line in the sand and saying, “This far, and no further.”

Why Boundaries Matter: From Doormats to Decision-Makers

Imagine this: you’re at a coffee shop, finally unwinding with a good book.

Suddenly, a friend barrels in, overflowing with drama, dumping their problems on you like a week-old latte.

You listen patiently, offer support, but deep down, you just wanted that quiet time.

Sound familiar?

Here’s the problem: without boundaries, you become a human doormat.

People walk all over you, mistaking your kindness for weakness.

You get resentful, exhausted, and that dream life you crave?

Fades further into the distance.

Boundaries are like the walls of your personal fortress.

They define your space, your time, your energy.

They say, “This is mine, and I respect it.

Respect it too.”

Building Your Fortress Brick by Brick: Setting Boundaries

A wall and moat protects your well-being

Okay, so boundaries sound good, but how do you actually set them?

Here’s the battle plan, warrior:

  • Know Yourself: Before you build walls, figure out what needs protecting. What drains your energy? What situations make you uncomfortable? Reflect on your values, your priorities.
  • Be Clear and Concise: Don’t beat around the bush. When someone crosses a line, speak up. “Hey, I appreciate you needing help, but I have plans tonight.” “Can we discuss this issue later? I need some time to think.”
  • Be Prepared for Pushback: Setting boundaries can ruffle feathers. People might get defensive. Stay calm, reiterate your position, and don’t budge.
  • It’s Not About Blame: Remember, boundaries aren’t about pointing fingers. It’s about self-respect. “I need this time for myself” is a lot stronger than “You’re being inconsiderate.”

The Long Game: From Boundaries to Benefits

Setting boundaries might feel awkward at first.

But here’s the magic: the more you do it, the easier it gets.

People start respecting your space, your time.

You become a more reliable predictable, friend or colleague.

But the biggest benefit?

You reclaim control.

You stop being a passive participant in your own life.

You become the architect, the decision-maker, the one wielding the power.

Now that’s a warrior we can get behind.

Bonus Tip: Boundaries for the Win!

Here are some everyday battles where setting boundaries can make a world of difference:

  • Work-life Balance: Learn to say “no” to overtime and unplug after work.
  • Toxic Relationships: Distance yourself from negative people who drain your energy.
  • Family Dynamics: Set boundaries with overbearing parents, siblings, or cousins.
  • Social Media: Limit screen time and curate your online space for positivity.

Remember, warrior, boundaries are a sign of strength, not weakness.

They show the world you deserve respect, and you won’t settle for anything less.

So go forth, build your fortress, and conquer your own inner battles.

This world needs more warriors like you.



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers. https://charlesdoublet.com/learn-to-lead/