Feeling Like an Imposter? You’re Not Alone. Here’s How to Slay the Doubt Monster

Charles Doublet
3 min readMar 19, 2024

The Toughest Enemy You’ll Ever Face:
Why Self-Worth is the Secret Weapon of Leaders

Look, let’s get real for a second.

You’re tired.

You’re battling that nagging feeling of “not enough.”

The world throws curveballs, the voices in your head whisper doubts, and sometimes it feels like everyone else is winning while you’re stuck in the mud.

You suspect something’s off, and you’re right.

Here’s the truth nobody tells you:

The toughest enemy you’ll ever face is yourself, specifically, the part that undervalues your worth.

We’re bombarded with messages telling us to chase external validation.

That six-pack, that promotion, that corner office — those things become the trophies that supposedly prove our worth.

But here’s the kicker: achievements are fleeting.

The external world can snatch them away in a heartbeat.

True leadership, however, starts from a place of unshakeable self-worth, a fortress built from within.

Let’s Dismantle the Lies You’ve Been Fed

Setbacks and failures?

They’re not roadblocks, they’re stepping stones.

Every misstep is a lesson, a chance to refine your approach.

Those voices in your head spewing negativity?

They’re not some cosmic truth, they’re echoes of past experiences or societal expectations.

You get to silence them.

Here’s the real enemy: that nagging doubt that whispers “who are you to lead?”

It wants you to play small, to shrink into the background, to settle for mediocrity.

Don’t listen to it!

Leadership isn’t about a title or a corner office.

It’s about taking charge of your life, owning your path, and inspiring others to do the same.

And you can’t inspire others if you don’t believe in yourself first.

Think of it like this:

You wouldn’t trust a shaky foundation to hold up a skyscraper, would you?

Neither can you build a life of purpose or lead with conviction on a foundation of self-doubt.

Here’s the good news: self-worth isn’t some mystical gift bestowed upon the chosen few.

It’s a muscle you can strengthen, a decision you can make.

Years ago, I was like you.

Full of fear, doubt, and lack of confidence.

But I had great mentors who helped me to start small and build from there.

First, I focused on myself, what was under my control;

  • my thoughts
  • my attitude
  • my actions

And as my successes started racking up, my self-worth and confidence racked up with them.

From there, as I built even more success and confidence, I took on more challenging problems.

I would challenge myself to compete in healthy ways with others; learning from those who were more experienced to see how much more I had to learn.

I would compare myself with those with less experience, sharing with them the things I had learned, boosting my confidence further, seeing how much I had learned by teaching others.

I would also compare myself with my peers. Seeing how we would do things differently and similarily, where I had an advantage and where I could still learn and grow from them.

Here’s How You Fight Back and Claim Your Birthright of Self-Worth

  1. Identify your core values: What truly matters to you? What principles guide your decisions? When you connect with your core, your sense of purpose strengthens, and self-worth follows.
  2. Celebrate your wins (big and small): Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Every step forward is a victory, and victories build confidence.
  3. Challenge your inner critic: When those doubts creep in, question them. Are they based on reality or just fear? Talk back, silence the negativity with affirmations of your strength and capabilities.
  4. Embrace the journey: The path to leadership is rarely smooth. Accept that setbacks are inevitable, learn from them, and keep moving forward.
  5. Help others find their worth: Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Do the same for them. When you help others shine, your own light burns brighter.

Remember, self-worth isn’t about arrogance or ego. It’s about self-respect, self-belief, and the unwavering confidence that you deserve to lead a fulfilling life.

It’s the foundation upon which you build your dreams, your purpose, and your impact on the world.

Don’t let anyone, not even yourself, steal your power.

This is your time to rise, leader.

P.S. I was sitting right where you are. 30–40 years ago, I was lost, overwhelmed, and not sure where to go with my life.

But I had great mentors and teachers who helped me to build my blueprint. My roadmap for personal leadership, I built it 30 years ago and I still use it to this day.

You can save yourself time, money, and energy by clicking here: Learn to Lead, and get it for FREE.



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers. https://charlesdoublet.com/learn-to-lead/