Forget “Fake It Till You Make It.” This is How You ACTUALLY Become a Leader Others Respect

Charles Doublet
3 min readApr 28, 2024

Forge Your Path: How Following Makes You a Great Leader

Imagine this.

You walk into a meeting, not just respected, but admired.

Your team isn’t just productive, they’re buzzing with ideas.

They trust you, not because you tell them what to do, but because you ignite their own inner fire.

This, my friend, is the power of being a leader who follows greatness.

Bad bosses bark orders.

Good leaders get things done.

But great leaders?

They sculpt diamonds.

They see the potential in every team member and guide them to become the best versions of themselves.

So, how do you become that leader?

The answer might surprise you.

By becoming a masterful follower, a dedicated student of greatness.

Here’s the beautiful truth:

When you learn from the best, you become the best.

Imagine yourself.

  • Commanding a boardroom. You don’t just present, you inspire. Your team rallies behind your vision because they believe in you, and more importantly, in themselves.
  • Building a fortress of friendship. People gravitate to your positive energy and unwavering support. You foster a brotherhood (or sisterhood) where everyone thrives.
  • Living a life of unwavering courage. Fear becomes a distant memory replaced by the strength to tackle any challenge. You become the rock your family and friends lean on.

This isn’t some fairy tale.

It’s the life you can build, brick by brick, by following great leaders.

Following Doesn’t Mean Blind Obedience

Think of it like this.

A master carpenter doesn’t just hand you a hammer and tell you to swing.

They teach you the right grip, the perfect swing, and the importance of precision.

They guide you to become a master builder yourself.

Here’s how you become that master leader:

  • Seek Out Mentorship: Find leaders you admire. It could be a business titan, a community leader, or even a coach. Observe their actions, their communication style, and how they empower others.
  • Become a Sponge: Absorb everything you can. Ask questions, actively listen, and take detailed notes.
  • Find Your Tribe: Surround yourself with positive, ambitious people who inspire you to be better. Iron sharpens iron, leader.

Action Steps: Take the Mantle of Personal Leadership

Samurai leading his soldiers

Here are some concrete steps you can take to become a great leader, one who follows the path of greatness:

  1. Self-Awareness is Key: Before you lead others, lead yourself. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. What are your core values? What drives you? Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-discovery.
  2. Continuous Learning is the Fuel: Great leaders are lifelong learners. Read biographies of inspiring leaders, take online courses, and attend workshops. Never stop feeding your mind.
  3. Develop Your Communication Skills: A leader’s words have power. Learn to communicate clearly, concisely, and with empathy. Practice active listening and give genuine feedback.
  4. Empower, Don’t Dictate: Don’t micromanage. Trust your team, delegate tasks effectively, and provide the resources they need to succeed. Celebrate their victories, big and small.
  5. Lead by Example: Actions speak louder than words. Be the embodiment of the values you want your team to have. Be on time, be prepared, and be the first one to roll up your sleeves.

Remember, leader, the journey to greatness starts with a single step.

Follow these steps, learn from the best, and soon you won’t be following anymore.

You’ll be the one forging the path, inspiring others to be the best versions of themselves.

The future you see in your mind, the one filled with success, strong relationships, and unwavering leadership, is closer than you think.

Grab your metaphorical hammer, leader, and start building your legacy.



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers.