Is Fear Your Worst Enemy or Biggest Ally? (Here’s the Shocking Truth)

Charles Doublet
3 min readMay 3, 2024

Befriend Your Fear:
The Secret Weapon to Crushing Your Goals

You know that feeling, right?

That knot in your gut, the clammy palms, the voice in your head whispering doubts.


It’s the gatekeeper to everything you truly want in life.

They say, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

But let’s face it, that doesn’t exactly make charging through a dragon’s lair any easier, does it?

Here’s the truth most self-help gurus won’t tell you: it’s not about conquering fear in one giant leap like breaking boards or stepping on hot coals will make the fear go away.

It’s about befriending the beast.

Think of it like this: your fear is that overprotective neighbor, Mrs. Higgins.

She yells from her porch about every little thing, convinced you’ll trip and fall on the sidewalk.

Annoyance aside, she kind of cares.

Your fear cares too.

It’s trying to protect you from getting hurt.

But sometimes, Mrs. Higgins gets a little carried away.

She doesn’t want you to even leave the house, let alone chase your dreams.

That’s when you gotta take a deep breath, look her in the eye, and say, “Thanks for looking out for me, Mrs. Higgins, but I’m gonna be okay.”

Don’t let fear stop you from your big dreams.

Here’s how you can turn fear from a foe into a friend on your journey to success:

1. Acknowledge it, don’t ignore it. The worst thing you can do is pretend the fear isn’t there. It’ll just stew in silence, making that voice in your head even louder. Instead, acknowledge it. “Okay, fear, I see you there. You’re worried about me failing. That’s okay, I get it.”

2. Understand where it’s coming from. Is it the fear of rejection holding you back from asking for that promotion? Maybe it’s the fear of failure that keeps you from starting that business idea. Once you understand the root of your fear, you can start to talk back to it with reason.

3. Take a baby step, not a giant leap. Don’t try to climb Mount Everest on your first hike. Start with a small hill. Scared to pitch your business idea? Talk to a mentor or friend. Nervous about asking someone out? Start a conversation online first. These little victories chip away at your fear’s power and build your confidence.

4. Reframe your perspective. Instead of seeing fear as a weakness, see it as a sign you’re pushing yourself. It means you’re on the right track, venturing outside your comfort zone. Think of it like an adrenaline rush before a roller coaster ride — scary, but the exhilaration on the other side is worth it.

5. Celebrate your wins, big and small. Every time you take a step forward in the face of fear, no matter how small, celebrate! This reinforces that you can overcome challenges and builds the momentum to keep going.

Remember, most people are just like you.

They have fears, doubts, and Mrs. Higgins yelling from their metaphorical porches.

But the difference between those who achieve their dreams and those who don’t is this: they take those small steps anyway.

They befriend their fear and use it as fuel to propel them forward.

So, the next time fear tries to hold you back, don’t let it.

Acknowledge it, understand it, and then take a small step forward.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly you start to see progress.

And who knows, maybe Mrs. Higgins will even start cheering you on from her porch instead of yelling warnings.

Now, go out there and conquer your day, one small, fearless step at a time!

P.S. If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, get my FREE 3-week email course on personal leadership, get it here: Learn to Lead



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers.