Level Up Your Life Like a Video Game: The 4 Skills Every Young Man Needs to Conquer His Fears

Charles Doublet
4 min readApr 29, 2024

Forge Your Path: From Fearful Follower to Courageous Leader

There’s a fire in your gut, a whisper in your soul.

It tells you there’s more to life than the hamster wheel you’re on.

You see the lemmings of the world, blindly following the loudest voices, their fear keeping them trapped.

You see the Luddites, manipulated by fearmongers into rage, their potential wasted in empty destruction.

You see the paralyzed losers, those so afraid they’ve withdrawn from life itself.

But you?

You’re different.

You feel the pull towards something greater, a life brimming with purpose and passion.

It might seem scary, this yearning for something more.

Maybe the unknown feels like a vast, hungry beast waiting to devour you.

But listen closely.

That fear is your enemy, the voice of doubt whispering lies in your ear.

Don’t let it hold you back.

Here’s the truth.

Everyone feels fear.

Every leader, every hero, every person who’s ever achieved anything significant wrestled with fear.

It’s a primal emotion, a built-in safety mechanism.

The key isn’t to eliminate fear entirely, that’s an impossible feat.

The key is to become bigger than your fear, to acknowledge it, understand it, and then take action anyway.

Think of it like building a fortress.

Fear is the moat surrounding it, a natural barrier.

But a moat alone doesn’t win battles.

You need strong walls, valiant warriors, and a clear purpose.

That’s where your journey begins — with forging yourself into a warrior leader, someone who lives courageously even in the face of fear.

A samurai leader to be respected and feared

Here’s How You Build Your Fortress, Brick by Brick:

  • Sharpen Your Skills: A warrior needs a weapon, and yours is knowledge and skill. What do you need to learn to achieve your goals? Is it a new language, a business skill, or a specific fitness routine? Identify your weaknesses and dedicate time to strengthening them. Every new skill you master chips away at the walls of fear and makes you a more formidable leader.
  • Build Your Body: Your physical strength is a foundation for your mental and emotional well-being. It doesn’t require becoming a gym rat, but find an activity you enjoy — running, swimming, martial arts — and make it a regular practice. A strong body fuels a strong mind, boosting your confidence and resilience.
  • Hone Your Mind: Knowledge is power, and a warrior leader needs both. Dive into books, podcasts, and courses that feed your mind and expand your understanding of the world. The more you learn, the more prepared you’ll be to face challenges and navigate the unknown.
  • Strengthen Your Spirit: Fear often stems from a disconnect from your core values and purpose. Dedicate time to introspection. What truly matters to you? What impact do you want to make on the world? Connecting with your purpose fuels your inner fire and gives you the courage to pursue your dreams.

Remember, you don’t have to do this alone.

Find your tribe, those who share your values and aspirations.

Surround yourself with like-minded warriors who will support and challenge you on your journey.

These connections will lift you up, offer different perspectives, and remind you that you’re not alone in this fight.

Taking action doesn’t mean facing down a dragon on day one.

Start small.

Maybe it’s signing up for that online course you’ve been eyeing, or joining a local running group.

These small steps, consistently taken, pave the way for bigger challenges.

Every victory, no matter how seemingly insignificant, chips away at the walls of fear and replaces it with confidence.

Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

Each step forward is a testament to your courage and commitment.

Living with courage doesn’t mean being reckless. It’s about calculated risks, well-informed decisions, and a willingness to face the consequences.

There will be setbacks, there will be moments of doubt.

That’s inevitable.

But with a strong foundation and a supportive community, you’ll weather those storms and emerge stronger.

The world needs more courageous leaders, people who are willing to step outside their comfort zones, challenge the status quo, and stand up for what they believe in.

It might not be easy, but the rewards are immeasurable: a life of purpose, fulfillment, and the satisfaction of knowing you’re living on your own terms.

Are you ready to claim your power, warrior leader?

The fire within you awaits.

Take action today:

  • Write down three fears holding you back from your dreams. Challenge each one rationally. What’s the worst that could happen? What steps can you take to mitigate those risks?
  • Identify one skill you need to develop to further your goals.



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers. https://charlesdoublet.com/learn-to-lead/