Lost & Stuck? This Retired Electrician’s Secret Will Change Your Life

Charles Doublet
4 min readMay 17, 2024


Building Your Foundation:
Aligning Goals with Core Values — Lessons from a Retired Electrician

Young warriors, gather ‘round.

Here’s a story from a grizzled old electrician, one who spent decades climbing ladders and sweating over circuits.

Back in my 20s, I, like many of you, felt lost.

I craved success, and a fulfilling career, but also craved time for the things that truly mattered: martial arts, self-improvement, and a strong family life.

It felt like a constant tug-of-war between work and everything else.

But here’s the secret I learned — a secret that separates the guys just getting by from the ones who build something truly remarkable.

It’s about aligning your goals with your core values.

Think of it like building a house.

You wouldn’t just slap walls on any random foundation, would you?

You need a strong base, a blueprint that reflects what matters most.

Here’s how I, as a young buck with newly calloused hands and a thirst for knowledge, tackled this challenge:

The Five-Fold Why:
Unearthing Your Core

Imagine a goal, something you desperately want.

Now, ask yourself: “Why is that important?”

Then ask it again, and again, peeling back the layers like an electrician untangling a mess of wires.

This is the Five-Fold Why technique.

Here’s an example from my own life:

  • Goal: Become a top electrician.
  • Why is that important? Because financial security matters to me.
  • Why does financial security matter? So my family can be comfortable, and I don’t have to worry about bills.
  • Why is family comfort important? Because I value a supportive home environment.
  • Why is a supportive home environment important? Because it allows me to focus on self-improvement and personal growth.

See how this works? Deeper questioning revealed a fundamental value — personal growth.

Now, with this value in mind, I could re-evaluate my “top electrician” goal.

Balancing Your Blueprint:
Goals vs. Values

Remember — a smart electrician doesn’t just focus on brute force.

We use finesse, precision, and the right tools.

In the same way, aligning goals with values requires a similar approach.

Here’s what I discovered:

  • Being a top electrician might mean long hours, sacrificing training time, and jeopardizing my health. This clashed with my value of personal growth, which included martial arts training.

Action Step 1:
Identify Your Core Values

Grab a pen and paper, warriors.

Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • What are things you absolutely wouldn’t compromise on? (e.g., family time, integrity)
  • What activities bring you a deep sense of fulfillment? (e.g., learning, helping others)
  • What qualities do you admire most in others? (e.g., courage, perseverance)

Creating My Ideal Blueprint

Once you identify your core values, revisit your goals.

Here’s what I did:

  • Reframe my “top electrician” goal. I prided myself on being the “fireman,” the guy my boss could use to put out the fires but that meant being available when fires popped up. Maybe becoming a highly skilled, well-respected electrician, with a good work-life balance, was a better fit.
  • Explore alternative paths. Could I find a smaller company that offered more flexibility? Could I specialize in a lucrative niche within the electrical trade?

This “Five-Fold Why” questioning and value-based analysis helped me build a career that fueled my passion for electrical work while allowing me to train in Hapkido under Grandmaster Bong Soo Han (a legend in the martial arts world!).

GM Han’s famous roundhouse kick

I also pursued college and online classes, constantly learning and growing.

Building Your Dream Home:
Putting it All Together

Remember, warriors, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

Here’s how you can build your own blueprint for success:

Action Step 2:
Reassess Your Goals

Apply the Five-Fold Why to your current goals.

Are they truly aligned with your core values?

Do some goals need to be adjusted, or even eliminated?

Action Step 3
Explore New Paths

Can you find ways to achieve your goals that respect your values?

Maybe it’s a different job, a side hustle, or a creative solution you haven’t considered yet.

Action Step 4
Build Your Support Crew

Just like in construction, you need a good team.

Find mentors, friends, or family members who understand your values and goals.

They can offer support and guidance along the way.

Building a fulfilling life takes time and effort, much like laying brick by brick.

But by aligning your goals with your core values, you create a strong foundation.

You become the architect for your dream life.



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers. https://charlesdoublet.com/learn-to-lead/