The Missing Piece to Success: What They WON’T Tell You About Leadership

Charles Doublet
3 min readMay 4, 2024

Find Your Tribe, Forge Your Future: Building the Brotherhood of Leaders You Deserve

Imagine this, leader.

A year from now, you walk into the office with a quiet confidence, a glint in your eye that speaks of goals crushed and battles won.

Your team respects your vision, your colleagues seek your advice, and that promotion you’ve been eyeing feels within reach.

But the wins extend beyond the office walls.

You feel a deep sense of belonging, a network of friends who lift you higher, push you harder, and celebrate your victories with a warrior’s spirit.

This, my friend, is the power of finding your tribe.

Think of it like this.

You can watch all the martial arts videos you want, learn the perfect form, and visualize yourself as a champion.

But until you step into the ring, feel the sweat sting your eyes, and adapt to your opponent’s blows — you’ll never truly be a fighter.

As Mike Tyson famously said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

Just like a martial artist needs a training partner, a leader needs a tribe.

Your tribe determines how far you go

Why a Tribe? The Power of Shared Growth

Building a tribe isn’t about finding a bunch of “yes-men” who agree with everything you say.

It’s about surrounding yourself with other aspiring leaders, people who challenge your perspectives, celebrate your wins, and pick you up when you stumble.

They become your sounding board, your confidantes, and the ones who hold you accountable for your dreams.

Here’s what a strong tribe brings to your life:

  • Sharpened Skills: Iron sharpens iron. Through healthy debate and shared experiences, you learn from each other’s triumphs and failures, honing your leadership skills and business acumen.
  • Amplified Confidence: Witnessing the success of your fellow warriors fuels your own journey. Their victories become proof points, reminding you that what they achieve, you can too.
  • Expanded Network: Your tribe opens doors to new opportunities. Their connections become yours, multiplying your reach and propelling your professional growth.
  • Unshakeable Support: Life throws curveballs. When doubt creeps in, your tribe becomes a safety net, offering encouragement and reminding you of your power.
  • Unwavering Belief: There will be days when you question yourself. In those moments, your tribe will be your biggest cheerleaders, reminding you of your potential and reigniting the fire within.

Building Your Tribe: From Lone Wolf to Leader

So, how do you find your tribe?

Here’s your action plan:

  • Identify Your Goals: Who do you want to become? What kind of leader do you aspire to be? Knowing your goals helps you seek out individuals with similar aspirations.
  • Seek Out Growth Opportunities: Attend workshops, conferences, or online groups focused on personal development and leadership. These are natural breeding grounds for aspiring leaders.
  • Engage with Authenticity: Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Share your passions, ideas, and experiences openly. The right people will be drawn to your genuine spirit.
  • Practice Active Listening: Be a good listener. Show genuine interest in others’ journeys and learn from their experiences. True connection fosters strong bonds.
  • Offer Value: Don’t just take, give back. Share your knowledge, offer support, and be someone your tribe can rely on.

Building Success — Together

Imagine this.

You’re stuck on a complex business problem.

Alone, you might struggle.

But with your tribe, you brainstorm solutions, share perspectives, and find the breakthrough together.

This collaborative problem-solving is the magic of a strong leadership network.

Beyond Work: A Life Forged in Brotherhood

The impact of your tribe extends far beyond the boardroom.

These are the friends you support through life’s challenges, the ones who celebrate your milestones with genuine joy.

They become your confidantes, your adventure buddies, and the backbone of a life filled with courage, strength, and laughter.

Taking the First Step: Building Your Legacy Starts Now

Don’t wait for your tribe to magically appear.

Take action today.

Join online communities, attend networking events, or even reach out to colleagues you admire.

Start building those connections, and watch your life transform.

Remember, leader, a strong tribe doesn’t just elevate you, it elevates everyone involved.

Together, you’ll build legacies of success, forge deep bonds, and leave a lasting impact on the world.

So, step out, find your warriors, and let the journey begin.



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers.