The Secret Weapon They Don’t Want You To Know About (But Can Help You Conquer Your Fears).

Charles Doublet
3 min readApr 30, 2024

Warrior Up: Break Free from the Fear Factory

Listen up, warrior.

Feeling stuck in a world that seems more interested in keeping you down than lifting you up?

You’re not wrong.

There’s a whole industry — media, politics, even some self-proclaimed “leaders” — built on fear.

They bombard you with negativity, crises du jour, and manufactured threats.

It’s enough to make anyone feel like progress is a myth and the future’s a bleak wasteland.

But here’s the truth, brother: that’s a lie.

A big, fat, fear-mongering lie.

Here’s the real story, straight from the data: the world is demonstrably safer, healthier, and more prosperous than ever before.

You don’t have to take my word for it.

Look at the numbers.

Books like “Factfulness” by Hans Rosling and “The Better Angels of Our Nature” by Steven Pinker paint a clear picture:

  • Innovation is booming
  • Violence and poverty are on the decline
  • The average person enjoys a life their ancestors could only dream of

So, why the negativity?

Because fear sells.

It keeps you glued to screens, gulping down negativity that makes you feel powerless.

But here’s the thing: you’re not powerless.

You are a warrior!

You’re a warrior, remember?

Deep down, you know there’s a better path, a life fueled by your own dreams, not manipulated by manufactured fears.

Here’s the Problem with Fear

It paralyzes you.

It keeps you stuck in the hamster wheel of “safe” mediocrity when greatness beckons.

You have goals, dreams — a vision for a life that makes your heart sing.

Fear tells you it’s “unrealistic,” “too risky,” or “for other people.”

It whispers doubts, chipping away at your confidence until you believe the lie.

But here’s the secret about setbacks, warrior: they’re not failures, they’re lessons.

Every stumble teaches you something, makes you stronger, and refines your path.

Remember, even the mightiest oak started as a tiny acorn, weathering storms before reaching for the sun.

Don’t let fear turn you into a timid sapling; embrace the challenges, learn from them, and grow into the leader you were meant to be.

Fear Also Feeds the “Comparison Trap”

You see others seemingly living the life you crave, and fear tells you you’ll never measure up.

But here’s the reality: social media is a highlight reel, not real life.

Everyone faces struggles, but the fear industry wants you to believe you’re alone in yours.

Don’t compare your journey to someone else’s carefully curated Instagram story.

Focus on your path, your goals, and the amazing things you’re building, brick by brick.

How To Break Free From This Fear Factory

It starts with a simple act of courage: taking ownership of your time and attention.

  • Stop letting negativity dictate your mood
  • Be mindful of the information you consume
  • Seek out stories of progress, innovation, and people overcoming obstacles
  • Surround yourself with positive influences who believe in you and your potential

Here’s your first action step, warrior:

Right now, grab a pen and paper.

Write down three things that make you feel anxious or fearful.

Then, next to each one, write down a counter-argument, a positive fact that dismantles that fear.

For example, if your fear is “the economy is crashing,” write down:

“Historically, after every recession, there’s been a recovery.”

See how empowering taking control of the narrative can be?

Next step: Identify one small action you can take today toward your biggest goal.

Maybe it’s signing up for a relevant online course, networking with someone in your field, or simply spending 30 minutes planning your week.

Every step forward, no matter how small, creates momentum.

Remember, even the mightiest journey begins with a single step.

Living courageously isn’t about being fearless.

It’s about acknowledging your fears, understanding their source, and choosing to act despite them.

It’s about taking responsibility for your life and building a future fueled by your dreams, not the nightmares others try to sell you.

The world needs more warriors, leader.

More people who choose courage over fear, action over apathy, and progress over paralysis.

Be the change.

Be the warrior.

Start living the life you deserve, brick by courageous brick.

Remember, the only limitations are the ones you accept.

Now get out there and conquer your day!



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers.