Tired of Feeling Lost? Build Your Dream Life Like a Skyscraper (Even with Zero Direction Now)

Charles Doublet
3 min readApr 22, 2024

Forge Your Future:
Building Success Through a Holistic Life

You wake up before dawn, a primal energy coursing through you. The pre-dawn quiet fuels your focus as you knock out a challenging workout.

Your body feels strong, a testament to your dedication.

Later, at the office, your mind is sharp, ideas flowing freely.

You tackle complex tasks with a calm confidence, a result of a good night’s sleep and a clear head.

This, warrior, is a glimpse of the life you can build — a life where success isn’t just about work, but a holistic tapestry woven from well-being, strong relationships, and a connection to something bigger.

The Construction Site of You:
Building a Strong Foundation

Imagine yourself as a skilled construction worker.

You wouldn’t build a skyscraper on a shaky foundation.

The same goes for success in life.

A strong foundation requires a holistic approach, taking care of the various aspects that make you, you.

Here’s your blueprint:

  • The Body as Steel Beams: Your body is the instrument of your achievements. Fuel it with nutritious food — think fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein — the same way you’d use high-quality steel for your building. Regular exercise is your daily concrete pour, strengthening your body and mind.
  • The Mind as the Architect’s Vision: A clear, focused mind is essential. Prioritize quality sleep — think 7–8 hours a night — to recharge your mental batteries. Challenge yourself intellectually. Read books, take online courses, engage in stimulating conversations. This is your mental scaffolding, constantly building and refining your knowledge base.
  • Relationships as the Support Structure: No building stands alone. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who believe in you. These are your pillars, your confidants. Celebrate victories together, and lean on them during tough times.
  • Education as the Blueprint: Never stop learning. Whether it’s formal education or self-directed learning, keep expanding your skillset. This is the blueprint that helps you navigate your career path and life goals.
  • Emotional Wellness as the Safety Net: Life throws curveballs. It’s okay to not be okay sometimes. Learn healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, like meditation or journaling. These are your safety nets, catching you when you stumble, and allowing you to bounce back stronger.
  • Spiritual Connection as the Spire: There’s something bigger than ourselves out there, whether it’s nature, faith, or a deeper purpose. Find what connects you to this larger whole. It provides a sense of grounding, a north star guiding your journey. This is the spire that reaches for the sky, a symbol of your aspirations and connection to something greater.

Building Begins:
Brick by Brick

The blueprint is laid out, but the real work is in the action.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Start Small, Be Consistent: Don’t try to overhaul your life overnight. Begin with small, achievable goals. Pack healthy lunches twice a week, then three. Schedule a morning walk, then gradually increase the duration. Consistency is key. Small wins build momentum and fuel motivation.
  • Find Your Tribe: Seek out positive influences. Join a gym with a supportive community, find a mentor in your field, or connect with like-minded individuals online. Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be your best.
  • Track Your Progress: Celebrate your victories — a promotion, a completed course, a personal best in your workout. Keeping a journal or using a progress tracker helps you stay motivated and visualize your journey.
  • Embrace the Journey: The path to success isn’t always smooth. There will be setbacks, moments of doubt. But just like a construction project faces delays, so too will your life. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your course, and keep moving forward.

Remember, warrior: Building a successful life is a continuous process.

Building a life to stand the test of time

But just like a magnificent skyscraper rises from the ground, so too will your achievements.

Take care of yourself, mind, body, and spirit.

Surround yourself with the right people.

Never stop learning, growing, and evolving.

With unwavering dedication and a holistic approach, you’ll forge a future that is not only successful but also fulfilling and meaningful.



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers. https://charlesdoublet.com/learn-to-lead/