Your Life is an E-Ticket Ride! Brace for Impact!

Charles Doublet
3 min readJun 24, 2024


The Secret Lives of E-Tickets:
A Blast from the Disneyland Past

Ah, the E-ticket.

Disneyland E-ticket c. 1975–1977

A word that evokes pure childhood joy for those who remember the bygone era of Disneyland’s ticket booklets.

Back in the 70s and 80s, it wasn’t just about buying an admission ticket; it was about strategizing your day with a prized collection of A-through-E coupons.

​The E-ticket was the golden ticket, granting access to the park’s most coveted experiences — thrilling adventures unlike anything else.

But beyond their status as the park’s premium rides, E-tickets held a fascinating secret life.

Here’s a glimpse into the hidden stories and innovations that made these attractions legendary:

The Birth of the E-Ticket:

Think back to Disneyland’s opening day in 1955.

Admission was a flat fee, and you could ride anything your heart desired.

However, the park quickly became a runaway success, with lines stretching out for hours.

To manage crowds and incentivize repeat visits, Disney introduced the ticket booklet system in 1959.

A-tickets were for simple rides, while the coveted E-ticket took guests on groundbreaking adventures.

These weren’t just amusement park thrills; they were windows into the future.

The Matterhorn Bobsleds, for instance, was a marvel of engineering.

Imagineers pioneered a new track system that mimicked the feeling of an actual bobsled run, complete with dips, curves, and near-misses with towering snowdrifts.

It was a revolutionary experience for parkgoers, a glimpse into the possibilities of theme park technology.

Pushing the Boundaries of Storytelling:

E-tickets weren’t just about physical thrills.

They were immersive storytelling experiences.

The Haunted Mansion, a groundbreaking dark ride in 1969, used a combination of audio-animatronics (revolutionary robotic figures), special effects like projections and pepper’s ghosts, and clever set design to create a truly spooky atmosphere.

Guests felt like they were stepping into a world teeming with mischievous ghosts and playful haunts.

Similarly, Pirates of the Caribbean, (long before Johnny Depp’s comical Jack Sparrow character) another E-ticket masterpiece that debuted in 1967, transported guests to a world of swashbuckling pirates, hidden treasures, and thrilling escapes.

Advanced audio-animatronics brought the story to life, creating a captivating blend of humor, adventure, and even a touch of suspense.

A Legacy of Innovation:

The legacy of the E-ticket lives on in today’s Disneyland.

While the ticket booklet system itself has been phased out, the spirit of innovation and immersive storytelling continues to define the park’s most popular attractions.

From the heart-pounding drops of Space Mountain to the fantastical world of Avatar: Flight of Passage, E-tickets paved the way for ever-more sophisticated and immersive experiences.

Your Life: The Ultimate E-Ticket Ride:

So, the next time you find yourself on a roller coaster ride — metaphorically speaking, of course — remember the E-ticket.

Your life is an adventure filled with unexpected twists, thrilling moments, and maybe even a few spooky encounters.

Embrace the journey, just like you would on your favorite E-ticket ride.

Here are some ways to do just that:

  • Seek Out the Thrills: Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and try new things. Take a class, travel somewhere you’ve never been, or pursue a long-held dream.
  • Embrace the Story: Every twist and turn in your life contributes to your unique story. Find moments of joy, learn from setbacks, and appreciate the unexpected encounters that shape who you are.
  • Hold on Tight: Life throws curveballs, just like an E-ticket ride throws unexpected drops. Develop your resilience, learn from challenges, and keep moving forward with a smile.

Remember, your E-ticket adventure is waiting.

Buckle up, embrace the ride, and make the most of every thrilling moment.

P.S. It’s funny how life is constantly shifting, adjusting, and evolving. Things that were a big thing at one time are not even known days, months, or years later.

That was the impetus of this article.

The other day I was chatting with a young man that I see often, I asked him how he was doing, he replied, “Life’s a rollercoaster right now.” I responded, “Oh, an E-ticket ride…”

He didn’t understand the reference so I explained the backstory of Disneyland in the 70s and 80s and then I thought I’d share it with you, to help you never forget that your life is an amazing E-Ticket ride!



Charles Doublet

I help young men to be leaders and warriors, because society has enough lemmings, Luddites, and losers.